December 27, 2018    

Indulging in chocolate can be good for women’s health but there are a couple rules to follow.
Some studies prove that chocolate is actually good for you especially when you follow a couple simple rules.. Learn the secrets behind why chocolate is actually good for women’s health in particular.

Women are known for enjoying their chocolate more so than men. But it has to be dark chocolate.
Women have been stereotyped as needing chocolate when they are upset, or being given it as a gift if their partner has done something wrong. What most people don’t know is that chocolate is actually good for women’s health. The next time you want to indulge in a piece of chocolate, remember these facts and you won’t feel as guilty:

1. Mending a Broken Heart:
Chocolate is often a way to say sorry, but it is in fact also good for maintaining a healthy heart. Recent studies have proven that chocolate has cardiovascular benefits. Eating 2 servings of dark chocolate a week, can make the heart healthier and less at risk of heart failure. This is because dark chocolate has many antioxidants in that can reduce blood pressure.

2. Get Rid of That Extra Weight:
It’s been said to use everything in moderation while dieting. Well the truth is that eating dark chocolate can actually help with weight loss. This does not mean that you can eat dark chocolate all day, every day but rather introduce it as a substitutes for sugar or salt cravings. A small piece of quality dark chocolate will fill you up and conquer that craving without having to indulge in other bad foods. It can satisfy you so that you don’t desire other snacks.

3. Baby Making Material:
Dark chocolate that is consumed during pregnancy has shown that women were able to curb cravings more and had less mood swings. Some studies have even suggested that partaking in a bit of chocolate every now and then during the pregnancy actually creates happier babies.

4. Happiness is Chocolate:
Dark chocolate can even help to reduce stress levels. This is because dark chocolate contains magnesium which has 64 mg. in a one ounce serving. Dark chocolate is also high in iron, copper and manganese

5. Brain Power:
There are many studies to show that eating dark chocolate can help you to concentrate. Dark chocolate is rich in flavanoids that can help to increase your brain power. While studying indulge in some dark chocolate and nuts to help keep your brain at its optimal working power.

Whatever your reason for indulging in chocolate you can now feel at ease knowing that it is not all bad. Milk chocolate that is filled with sugar and other additives does not apply when trying to get health benefits from chocolate. Stick to chocolate that has 70% cocoa or more.