January 17, 2018    

Designing an herb garden is the first step in planning a garden.
When designing an herb garden, consider the amount of light the garden will get at different times of the day. This can make a huge difference in how plants grow as some will need more sun, some less and some a mix of sun and shade.
Then look at different designs to determine which ones are most appealing as well as functional. Gardens don’t have to be linear.
Circular designs flow in harmony with nature and the addition of water elements such as bird bath, sculptures and lighting can all enhance the garden.
A half circle or half wagon wheel is one design to consider when constructing an herb garden. The spokes of the ‘wheel’ can be pathways for the garden. The pathways split the garden into three, four or more sections which makes it easier to access the beds.

Adding Feng Shui
The garden beds can be divided into different themes for herbs; culinary, medicinal, tea herbs, salad herbs or whatever one chooses to grow.
One might also consider the elements of adding Feng Shui to the garden. One way to do this is by adding elements to the garden such as a gazing ball or fountain.
A focal point for the garden to draw the eye is a good way to incorporate a principle of Feng Shui. These can elements such as fountains, bird baths, sun dials or sculptures or they can be bright colored or tall plants, something that will make people notice.
For example, you decide to create a half wagon wheel design with the main path leading to a bird bath. Underneath the birdbath is a small crescent shaped garden with flowering herbs.
The herbs around the bird bath can be colorful, bright or strongly scented to also help draw the eye to the center of the garden.

Best Planning Time
Winter months are a great time to plan a new garden or ‘renovate’ an existing garden. The foundation can be put in place. That way you’re all ready when spring comes by simply adding or topping up soil and putting in the plants.
Have fun designing your herb garden.