December 21, 2018    

Chocolates are often a welcome gift at Christmas but dark chocolate is better.
This is especially true if dark chocolate has herbs and spices such as cinnamon, peppermint and ginger.
Milk chocolate can detrimental to our health, is bad for our pearly whites and crammed with high calories and saturated fats. Dark chocolate have often been undervalued and not chosen as much as milk chocolate.
Yet dark chocolate is packed with plentiful health benefits which makes it a great gift to give. So don’t stop craving for chocolates, indulge and spoil yourself or others with dark chocolate.

There are different percentages of dark chocolate and this can affect the flavour a bit.  Dark chocolate with the highest percentage has the highest health benefit. The ones with the herbs and spices have greater flavour and health benefits.

A Mood Enhancer

Devouring a Dark chocolate, which is rich in cocoa, makes you feel relaxed, as it generates endorphins in the brain, a type of chemical which is known to uplift your mood and energy levels.

Major Heart Healer

It contains flavanoids, the antioxidants which help improve blood flow to the heart, thus putting off the threat of a heart ailment. They bring down the blood pressure by increasing the suppleness of your nervous system.

Skin Guard

The flavonoids present in dark chocolates soak up the UV rays coming from the sun, thus, shielding your skin from damage. It also improves blood circulation, giving you a better complexion.

Tooth Health

Can a chocolate really maintain the health of your teeth? Hard to believe but it’s true that dark chocolate, which is rich in cocoa content, is good for your teeth. Cocoa acts as an antibacterial agent which holds back the growth of plague- causing bacteria from damaging your teeth.

Reduces weight

Chocolates are usually known for putting on weight on your body, but, dark chocolates perform the contrary function. Eating a small amount can make you feel full as it is so satisfying. Their bitter-sweet taste will minimize your appetite for other foods. So, in addition to hitting the gym, you can grab a bar of dark chocolate to keep your weight in check.

Control diabetes

Being low in sugar and high in cocoa content, the bitter flavor of dark chocolates on your tastebuds will scale down the blood sugar level instead of intensifying it.

Treat yourself with a mouthful, yet moderate amount of dark chocolate. And, always keep in mind that the surface might be dark but it has a sunny side too.