February 7, 2022    

The best time to think about having a healthy heart is now.

Having a healthy heart and preventing heart disease has become more important in recent years.
This is especially important as the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic have been known to affect the heart.
Those who have taken vaccine shots may also be at risk for myocarditis and pericarditis, both conditions that affect the heart.

There are three things that have a major impact on heart health – diet, exercise and emotions.
The impacts of a good diet and exercise have been well documented but our emotions and a good support network have a strong effect as well.

Positive Emotions Impact on Heart Health

What lifts your heart and gives you joy?

For many people, that is love.
We usually equate that with romantic love, especially around Valentine’s Day.

Romantic love and our emotions play on the heart and we often use words that describe that.

Phrases like ‘Oh my heart,’  or ‘My heart is open’ or the negative effect of ‘My heart is heavy.’
But having a good support network of family and friends or the love of a good pet can also impact the heart.
Clearly the heart is more than a muscle or a pump. It sends messages to the brain.

Our emotions also directly affect our heart, both good and bad. The experience of an emotion results from the heart, brain and body acting together.
Have a good support network of family and friends.

Nourish the Body

Nourishing the body with good whole food impacts the heart and helps us stay emotionally healthy too.

Avoid processed and fatty foods which have a negative impact on the heart.
These include processed meats, bacon, sausages and deli meats that are high in saturated fat.
Avoid sugary foods, sports drinks high in sugar, candy, pastries, sauces and dressings, French fries, fried chicken, potato chips and pizza.

Is there anything left to eat?
Focus on fresh fruit and vegetables, lean protein like salmon or other fatty fish along with healthy carbs like quinoa, long grain and wild rice.
There are many ways to make healthy foods taste good with herbs, dressing, marinades and sauces.

Consider supplements on an as needed basis- depending on your particular health. Read the Herbal Collective February’2022 issue for a list of heart healthy supplements.

Daily Exercise for Heart Health

Daily exercise has a positive impact on the heart while also lifting the spirits.
Find a trail to hike alone or with company, take a yoga class, lift weights, dance, play tennis, golf or pickle ball.
Take the stairs whenever you can, park farther away – look for reasons to make exercise a part of your daily activities.

Now that you know what to do, keep track of your weight, eating habits and exercise.
Make sure you keep at it for at least 90 habits. It takes 30 days to start a new habit and 90 days to make it part of your lifestyle.
Awareness is key to changing your lifestyle and getting on track for long lasting heart health.

Learn more about looking after a healthy heart in the February issue of the Herbal Collective.