January 15, 2021    

Almond is a stone fruit with extensive health benefits.
These nuts are popular worldwide as they are a nutritious snack option that can be added to the daily diet. They contain plenty of minerals and are the healthiest of tree nuts.

Consuming one ounce or approximately 23 almonds daily enriches the diet with minerals and other essential nutrients. There are only 160 calories in an ounce of almonds.

Almond nutrition is not just limited to proteins and fibre; they are a rich source of vitamin E, calcium, magnesium and potassium along with riboflavin and niacin. Naturally, the sugar content in the almonds is low.

This one ounce serving of almonds provides 13 grams of healthy unsaturated fats and 1 gram of saturated fat.

The health benefits of almonds are many, which is why they are proactively added to the diet by many people. Apart from having a great taste, almonds have several medicinal values.

Healthy Heart
Almonds are an excellent source of magnesium, which is important in preventing strokes and hypertension.

The mono-unsaturated fatty acids are healthy fats that promote a healthy heart. The potassium content in almonds is an important electrolyte needed for nerve transmission and contraction of heart muscles.

Consuming these wonder nuts daily helps in maintaining blood pressure and prevents atherosclerosis. Antioxidants along with vitamin E help in improving the health of arteries and in the reduction of inflammation.

Healthy Brain
Almonds provide crucial nutrients for the brain and are considered to be the best food for the brain.

The riboflavin and L-carnitine content in the almonds effectively increases neurological activity and longevity too.

Promotes Skin Health
The Vitamin E content and antioxidants present in the almonds promote a healthy and nourished skin.

These antioxidants can help to fight skin cancer while the nutrients aid in reducing signs of ageing.

Aids in Diabetes
The mono-unsaturated fatty acids provided by almonds assists in slowing down the release of glucose into the bloodstream.

Promotes Weight Loss
Almonds are a rich source of dietary fibres and healthy fats which help in weight loss.

The fibre content prolongs the feeling of fullness in the stomach, thus helps in avoiding extra intake of calories. They lower bad cholesterol and promote weight loss.

Strong Bones and Teeth
The phosphorous content in the almonds helps to build and maintain strong bones and teeth.

Strengthens Immune System
The alkaline materials provided by the almonds help to maintain the alkaline system of the body.

The Vitamin E present in these nutritious nuts helps to eliminate the damaging-causing free radicals present in the body. The linoleic and linolenic acids in the almonds help reduce the inflammation.

Improves Digestive Health
The high fibre content in the almonds helps prevent constipation and boosts digestive health.

The health benefits of almonds are many, making these nuts the wonder nuts which are high in their nutrient punch. Add high quality and standard organic almonds to the diet, preferably purchased from organic producers and suppliers.