July 6, 2020    

There are so many different combinations of vegetables and fruits to consider when you decide to try a juicing diet. Some of the choices you would probably never have thought to combine and you will be quite surprised at the results. Many people who follow a juicing diet have just really experimented until they found what was more appealing to their own individual taste buds. Here I am going to share some of the combinations that I have come across.

Combining grapes, apples and lemons makes a delicious beverage as well. This is when your own creativity and desires can really come into play. Go for what you know – choose pears, cantaloupe, oranges, collard greens, kale, lettuce, wheat grass, or spinach. Be creative. Think of using combinations that may seem strange but in reality are exactly what your body ordered. The juicing diet can help energize you and stimulate metabolism for weight loss.

If you already have some idea as to what certain vegetables and fruits do for the body and you are suffering from an ailment then combine those healing fruits and vegetables to suit your own individual situation.

Just follow the directions of your particular juicing machine. Add a touch of raw sugar or a spoonful of honey if desired. Pour and enjoy. You can always add lemon or ginger for an added boost.

If you are in need of some quick juice ideas that can be consumed at any time during the day, try mixing 3 and a half parts apple to a half part lemon for a pick me up, or an all carrot drink with a touch of ginger to boot.

Here is a list of extra benefits to keep in mind as you change your lifestyle choose juicing as a diet and lifestyle:

*Beets: Control blood pressure, strengthen bones, protect your heart health, and combat cancer.

*Apples: block diarrhea, improve your lung capacity, prevents constipation, and cushions your joints.

*Watermelon: promotes weight loss, helps stop strokes, lowers cholesterol. Protects prostate, land controls blood pressure.

*Wheat germ added to a drink beverage or taken separately will improve your digestion, prevent constipation, lower your cholesterol and help stop strokes.

Here is a recipe that is sure to please and a great way to start your day. Combine the following five to create a beverage you will soon call a favorite.

Spinach Apple Carrot Juice

1 Bunch of Spinach

3-4 carrots

2 beets

1 pinch of ginger

2 apples &

A fresh squeezed lemon

Don’t judge this combination until you have tasted it. You will find that juicing introduces you to a whole new way of looking at fruits and vegetables as you stroll through the isles thinking to yourself, ” I wonder how that would taste juiced.”

Another recipe that is quite simple and just delicious. Combine a bunch of carrots with a small amount of ginger. ( At least one stem of a fresh ginger root.)

Also Try: Lemons and a teaspoonful of cayenne pepper with honey to taste is a great cleansing juice.  The juicing diet is not always about weight loss, it’s often about following a juice diet for better health with fresh fruits and vegetables.

Add Herbs to Juices

Adding herbs like ginger, basil, cinnamon, mint or anise to juicing can add extra flavour and health benefits.  Herbs can be added fresh or made into a tea.  If you are using dried herbs, it’s best to make a tea from it first, then add to the juice.
Fresh herb added to juices should be double the quantitiy of dried herbs. Experiment to find your favorite blends and flavours.
Apple pairs well with cinnamon, mint and ginger.  Try different kinds of mint such as spearmint, lemon balm or apple mint.
Always start with a small amount, such as two tablespoons of the fresh herb, to get an idea of how the herb pairs with the juice you are creating.
If you are using an herb tea, try adding 1/4 cup of the strong tea to your juice.

Research more to find out all the added benefits. Have fun discovering the wonders of the plants the earth and sun bring forward for our consumption and good health.

To discover more benefits of herbs, get the Top 6 Herbs for Better Health free report.