April 29, 2020    

Dealing with seasonal asthma symptoms can be tricky during a pandemic as some symptoms are similar to Covid-19.

Seasonal asthma is a condition characterized by the inflammation and constriction of the airways that is caused in the presence of airborne allergies such as pollen in spring.

This type of asthma tends to show up in a seasonal cycle as a response to increasing levels of a number of airborne allergens as seasons keep changing.

The severity of the symptoms of seasonal asthma is variable. Normal asthma already takes a toll on people with its tricky nature that dealing with allergies due to seasonal changes simply acts like the last straw.

Generally allergies are an overreaction to normal substances that don’t trouble most people. Our immune system has a strong effect on how a person handles their indoor and outdoor activities.

When someone is over-sensitive to certain allergens, the immune system can build up a swelling in the lungs and shut out the air that one needs to breathe in.

When an asthmatic patient has allergies, that person can experience more frequent attacks in spring and also the fall seasons.

This can make the symptoms of the already active asthma go out of control. Depending on one’s immune strength, it can be subtle or life-threatening. Better late than never; it’s important to keep tabs upon the early signs so that they can be treated well in time.

With the Covid-19 coronavirus to worry about, those who suffer from seasonal asthma have to be particularly careful to ensure their immune system is strong.

Here are some common symptoms of seasonal asthma that are frequently seen. These are the classic symptoms that basically characterize this special respiratory disorder. They are:

1. Frequent coughing

2. Increased mucus production

3. Feeling of chest tightness

4. Shortness of breath

5. Rapid breathing

If the patient suffers from some kind of allergy, the symptoms such as watery, red eyes, sneezing and runny nose can also be seen.

It is recommended to seek medical help if or when symptoms progress. With the doctor’s help, it’s important to follow the prescribed medication or even refer to a known allergist to determine what the particular trigger is, whether it’s pollen or something else.

There are certain signs to watch out for that warrant immediate medical attention. Some of these symptoms are similar to Covid-19 so determining whether the symptoms are related to an allergy or not is very important.

Here are some signs one should watch out for when calling their doctor:

1. Persistence of shortness of breath even after following medication

2. Change in the skin color of the patient

3. Chest pain

4. Difficulty in breathing that disturbs the task at hand

It’s essential to keep self-monitoring oneself so that the symptoms of seasonal asthma can be controlled well in time. Face allergies with the right precautions.

Use herbs and natural remedies to support the body’s immune system.
Supplements such as magnesium and omega 3 fatty acids, such as those found in fatty fish, are helpful along with Vitamins C, D & A.
Follow a plant based diet as much as possible and incorporate herbs such as ginger and turmeric to reduce inflammation.

Discover more about herbs and immune health and the Top 6 Herbs for Better Health with the Herbal Collective Newsletter.