January 22, 2020    

The first few outbreaks of the potentially serious Coronavirus infection have been reported in China.
There is no vaccine for the virus but herbs can help one get an edge over it.
Update: It’s been just over a year since the virus spread throughout the world and as of Feb. 11 there are more than 107 million cases worldwide and more than 2 million deaths.
Vaccines have been produced and are being used in several countries. A new developement with the virus is a variant that is somewhat resistant to vaccines – however this is a developing story and is also dependant on the type of vaccine used.
Vitamin D has become an important supplement to take for protection from the Covid-19 coronavirus. Research has shown that those with a Vitamin D deficiency were more likely to test positive for Covid-19. It’s also show those with acute respiratory failure were more likely to have a Vitamin D deficiency.
The original article that was first published in January 2020 continues below.

However there is great concern about the potential for the virus to move to new territories and countries as huge numbers of Chinese worldwide prepare to travel for Chinese New Year on Saturday, Jan.25.

Canadian experts say the health care system is well equipped to handle coronavirus cases after some hard lessons were learned from the 2003 SARS outbreak, which led to 44 Canadian deaths and 774 people worldwide.

The World Health Organization, (WHO) describes the new outbreak as a novel coronavirus. It falls under a bigger family of coronaviruses that includes Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS).

Currently there is one confirmed case in the U.S., which joins four other countries – Thailand, Japan, South Korea and China – with confirmed cases of the coronavirus.

UPDATE: This website tracks the spread of the Coronavirus worldwide.

Developing a vaccine for the coronavirus would not be useful for long as the virus mutates and responds to conditions.

This is the reason why herbal and plant-based remedies may have an edge over pharmaceuticals due to the plant’s synergistic complex nature. This nature approach is far more challenging to both bacterial and viral infections.

Taking an herb or several herbs that are anti-bacterial and anti-viral can prove to strengthen the immune system and fight viruses like the coronavirus.

Herbs taken at the very start or outset of a viral outbreak can work more effectively to shorten and lessen the viral effect. This is how herbs can help with coronavirus.

Herbs that have traditionally been used as comfort measures against influenza would likely be effective to provide comfort against the coronavirus.

Herbs that have strong anti-viral properties may also protect against cytokine storms.
A cytokine storm can both sicken and kill patients who are infected with certain strains of flu virus. The storm occurs when an overproduction of immune cells and their activating compounds (cytokines), surge these activated immune cells into the lungs. The resulting lung inflammation and fluid buildup can lead to respiratory distress which can be contaminated by a secondary bacterial pneumonia. This is what often leads to death.
Clearly, avoiding a cytokine storm is very important. Anti-viral herbs can help.
The best herbs with anti-viral and anti-bacterial protection are the following; elderberries, olive leaf extract, garlic, Echinacea and Oregano (oil of oregano). 
There are supporting herbs such as adaptogens that work to keep the immune system strong, support good digestion, provide good ‘Chi’ energy and balance hormones.
These adaptogens with anti-viral properties are herbs like astralgalus, rhodiola and the medicinal mushrooms like cordyceps and reishi.
Besides herbs, a good supplement to consider is taking ionic colloidal silver, which has been shown to boost the immune system.

When it comes to viruses that affect the respiratory system like the coronavirus, it’s important to get good health advice.  Anti-viral herbs should not be taken randomly and should always be used with respect.
For more information on herbal remedies, read a sample and subscribe to the Herbal Collective magazine online.