December 21, 2017    

Welcome to the marvelous world of Herbalism — the knowledge and study of herbs!
Herbs form part of our everyday life. Herbs are found in the mustard that coats your hot-dog bun, in the many spices on your kitchen shelf, in most of your salad’s vegetables, and in the plants and weeds growing in and around your garden.
The term “herb” pertains to any plant, part or all, which is used for such purposes as medical treatment, nutritional value, food seasoning, or coloring and dyeing of other substances.

The earliest written record of the study of herbs dates back to over 5000 years ago. The Sumerians described their well-established medicinal uses for such plants as laurel, caraway and thyme. The first Chinese herb book, released in about 2700 B.C., lists 365 medicinal plants and their uses. The Egyptians of 1000 B.C. are known to have used garlic, opium, castor oil, coriander, mint, indigo, and other herbs for medicine, food, and dyes. The Old Testament mentions herb use and cultivation, including mandrake, vetch, caraway, wheat, barley, and rye. The ancient Greeks and Romans used herbal plants for medicine as well as charms, cosmetics, dye, scents, and floor coverings. And down through the ages we go…..

Today, an individual learning the art and science of herbalism partakes in the knowledge of an herbal system that is based on the major herbal and healing systems developed throughout the world and down through the ages. Chinese, Japanese, East Indian, Mediterranean, European, Western, and Native American herbalism all form part of this major herbal and healing core.
By accomplishing an extensive study of every facet of herbology and thoroughly learning all aspects of herbs and their appropriate applications, an individual learns to become an herb specialist. This study includes an in-depth knowledge of health, disease, as well as a healthy way of life so that herbs, once understood, can be properly administered and taken. It is an herb specialist’s job to take what is best from all available sources and integrate it into a new age of health and happiness for more and more people.

Local herb specialists go by many names, i.e., herbalists, herbologists, master herbalists, practicing herbalists, consulting herbalists, practicing herb specialists, consulting herb specialists, to name a few.
Today as done in the days of yore, a practicing herb specialist inquires into a client’s past and present health condition. During consultation, practicing herbalists learn how the ingestion of various foods, medications, vitamins, minerals, herbs, and supplements has impacted their clients’ health condition over the years.

Armed with the knowledge of a client’s complete past and present health condition, consulting herbalists are then able to provide full information regarding which herb, supplement, vitamin, mineral, food, bodywork would be most beneficial for his/her present health condition. This comprehensive report includes the reason for each recommendation, as well as the amount required and the supply source for each item. A supply source for herbs, supplements, vitamins, minerals, foods, bodywork is as close as your local pharmacy, health food store, grocery, and garden.
A consulting herbalist will then suggest that the client share this information with his or her family physician. Should additional information and clarification be required, both parties are urged to contact the herb specialist. Over the years, local practicing herbalists have found that their efforts have been very well received by most Vancouver Island physicians. Working as a team is very effective and the end results have been excellent.
Therefore, when you need to know which herb, supplement, vitamin, mineral, food, or bodywork may be most beneficial for your present health condition, your local practicing herb specialist will be happy to help you out.
For more information, visit the Herbal Club