November 11, 2020    

Foot injuries are common for many people, as our feet are a very important part of our bodies.
We just our feet every day.
Did you know a quarter of the bones in your body are located in your feet? Each foot and ankle has 26 bones, 33 joints and over 100 ligaments, tendons and muscles.

Your feet are responsible for many different functions, providing you with balance, flexibility and mobility to navigate throughout your day. It’s sometimes easy to take your feet for granted, until you experience some type of foot pain or injury.

There are many different things that can cause foot pain including something as simple as the shoes that you choose to wear. Here’s an overview of 5 medical conditions that may cause foot pain.

This type of arthritis tends to cause sudden attacks of pain and discomfort, generally around the base area of the big toe. Often times an attack of gout is accompanied by If swelling, heat and redness.
Generally this condition is caused from uric crystals that build up in your blood. If you think you might have gout in your foot, you should seek qualified medical attention in order to get an accurate diagnosis and treatment options.

While this painful condition is often associated with wearing shoes that are too tight, it can also run in families and be associated with genetics.
After a long period of pressure between the first and second toe, bunions may begin to develop. Bunions are bony bumps made up of soft tissue and bone. They are often accompanied by swelling and pain. And if they persist, it can lead to other types of foot and toe pain.

Morton’s Neuroma
When you suffer from Morton’s neuroma it might feel like a shooting pain in your foot or like you are standing on a small pebble. This uncomfortable nerve condition causes a buildup of tissues and nerves around your toes and sometimes the ball of your foot.
The pain may leave your foot stinging or even feeling numb. Over time if left untreated, walking can become difficult as it is increasingly painful to apply any pressure on your foot.

Plantar Fasciitis 
This common condition is generally described as intense heel pain. The pain tends to be most noticeable first thing in the morning and it can also act up after sitting or being inactive for a long period of time.
The thick band of tissue, called the plantar fascia, becomes inflamed and produces uncomfortable pain along your heel and midfoot. Fortunately, plantar fasciitis can typically be treated through regular stretching, proper footwear and other medical remedies if necessary.

This is a condition that can occur all over the body including places like your hip and toes. Bursitis is an overuse condition that happens in and around joints.
Fluid filled sacs called bursa tend to become inflamed after performing repetitive motions and have been known to cause severe pain around the big toe. Treatment for bursitis generally calls for adequate rest and a change to different kinds of activities that offer relief to the affected body part.

Herbal Treatments
When you have foot problems or your feet are sore after a long day, an herbal foot soak is a great way to soothe your feet. Herbal essential oils used with a 1/2 cup of epsom salts to draw out toxins are healing and relaxing for feet.
Some popular essential oils for a foot bath are peppermint, eucalyptus, rosemary, lavender and bergamot. Use 2-3 drops of essential oil in a cup of Epsom salts. Blend thoroughly and add 1/2 cup of the salts at a time to a flat bottom bowl or shallow container of warm water. Soak feet for 10-15 minutes.  Ahhh!

Practicing good foot health and taking care of your feet is something that benefits people of every age. Choosing good footwear that provides enough support and comfort to your feet is always important. If you are suffering from foot pain that will not go away, you should seek medical help. A qualified doctor will examine you and be able to identify the cause of your foot pain along with treatment options. Ignoring chronic foot pain will likely only intensify the condition and may even lead to other foot problems.

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