October 20, 2017    

Almost no one will dispute how important it is to exercise while trying to lose weight.

You could lose weight without exercise, but why slow things down?

Exercise will speed up the metabolism so you can lose weight even faster.

This is especially true for working out, particularly as we age.

Women can lose up to 50% of their muscle mass as they age. That’s a huge amount.

So make working out and aerobice exercise part of your daily life.

Another benefit to working out is that it tones your muscles nicely so you look slimmer and fit your clothes better. Even if you’re not a ‘gym rat,’ you can use weights at home or do other weight bearing exercise such as pilates and yoga.

Oh, and another huge benefit of exercise is that it releases endorphins.

These feel huge natural chemicals give the body a ‘high’ that will encourage you to keep exercising.

This is also an excellent way to banish the ‘blues,’  and stay motivated on your weight loss goals.

If you dislike exercise, it’s really important to find something you can get excited about.

Do you like to dance? Zumba is a great latin dance workout craze that many women love to do.  It lasts an hour with many songs with a different routine for each song. Women doing Zumba can burn up to 900 calories an hour.

Adding weight training to build and tone muscles can make even more of a difference.

Maybe you prefer racquet sports like tennis or badminton, maybe it’s a water sport such as kayaking or swimming.  Mix up the exercise you do so you don’t get bored.

Herbs can help you feel good and keep you motivated as well. Adaptogen herbs like ginseng and maca help the body to adapt to stress and make us feel good.
Good nutrition is  important for any type of exercise to fuel the body both before and after a workout.